
Video Walkthrough: Designing a Workflow

Text Walkthrough: Designing a Workflow

To start, you can find workflows on the left sidebar under Setup -> Workflow -> Process. You'll find two fields there: "Simple Triggers" and "Advanced Workflows." Advanced workflows are complex designs that you can request Voicent custom design for you. "Simple Triggers" are typically simpler designs that you can design yourself, as this article will demonstrate. Click "+Add" in the top right corner to start designing your own workflow.

The next screen is where you'll design your workflow. Your ability to customize it to suit your business is nearly endless. For now, we'll create a simple workflow that greets new leads with a text, alerts an agent with an email, waits 8 hours and then sends an email to the customer followed by updating the customer record, as the image below shows.

You can give your workflow a name and description for organizational purposes. "Is Suspended" refers to stopping the workflow from activating without deleting it entirely. Leave this box unchecked if you want the workflow to be active. With this design every new customer added as a lead will trigger this workflow. You can check the dropdown boxes to see all of your options. You can trigger a workflow with any number of different events or a web form, not just the example we have here.

You also can utilize nearly any aspect of Voicent Live for your workflow's actions as well. You can send a predictive dialer call, contact an agent by phone, or update any part of the customer's record. You can automatically trigger any action that you want. The message you send out (such as auto dialer, text, or email messages) can be created under campaigns -> tools -> campaign messages.

Once you are satisfied with your design, click the save button. Once saved, your workflow will be active unless you checked the "is suspended" checkbox.

Managing Workflows

You can manage your workflow from the initial workflow screen, found under Setup -> Workflow -> Process. You can click on previously created workflows to edit them or suspend them. You can also click "View Running Instances" to monitor any triggered workflows or simply click delete to permanantly remove the workflow.

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